Associazione Musicale Internazionale

Marco Celli Stein is President of the Associazione Musicale Internazionale, a non-profit association that since 1990 has played a leading role in the organization of events, concerts, festivals and original projects. It has created and promoted important musical events such as: the “Goffredo Petrassi” Youth Orchestra; the “Homage to Rome”, Festival; the “Youth Orchestra of Italian Conservatories” project; the “Acoustics Award”; “Great Viennese Concerts in Latium”; “Homage to Mother Theresa of Calcutta”; the “Festival sans Frontières”; concerts for blood donation campaigns; concerts for the restoration of historical hydroelectric plants in Val d'Aosta; the “Youth Orchestra Johann Strauss” project, the “World –Music” project, concerts for charities, concerts for UNICEF, RED CROSS, TELETHON, celebrations of special anniversaries, and organization of academic conferences and conventions.
In addition it has taken part in the festivals “Night of Museums 2010”, “Museums in Music 2010”, “Roma Città Natale 2010”, “Rome on Stage 2011”, “Municipi 2012-2013”, “Museums in Music 2013”, “Museums in Music 2014”, “Day of the Remembrance” 2016, “Song for Memory” 2017.
In February 2005 the Associazione Musicale Internazionale was awarded the Silver Medal of the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, as a token of appreciation for its activities.